82. Will you vote to increase the City subsidy to the CTA?
Possible answer:
Yes. This should be accomplished by raising the gas tax and fees associated with automobiles.
Chicago should strive for a great public transportation city.
83. Please indicate which CTA expansion plans, if any, you support and rank them in order of priority (1 highest)
Possible answer:
Top priority should be better maps so people can better visualize how the entire system is integrated.
Second priority: north-south dedicate surface line on Western or Ashland
O'Hare express seems doable and useful
What would be particularly cool would be a line connecting O'Hare and Midway
I've discussed Red Line extension.
Not sure about other projects. Downtown circulator seems somewhat redundant. And it seems like more money should be going into improving infrastructure in neighborhoods instead of the Loop.
84. Do you support renegotiation of Chicago's parking meter privatization deal?
Possible answer:
Chicago got ripped-off on the parking meter deal. And I feel like the renegotiation of the deal under Mayor Rahm Emanuel made it better for the investors and worse for the people of Chicago.
I favor looking around for a lever that can be used to extract concessions (or undo the deal completely). Then renegotiate (or void the deal). If Chicago renegotiates without a good plan, the negotiators for the investors will find a way to screw us in the fine print again.
85. Do you support privatization of Midway Airport?
Possible answer:
No. These privatization deals are almost always rigged against the unit of government that negotiates them.
86. Do you support the O'Hare expansion plan?
Possible answer:
I support increasing use of the existing airport in Gary, Indiana which wants to do more business.
I assume the new air patterns at O'Hare allow the airport to more safely handle more volume of flights. It does seem unfair that some homes are under the flight paths every day now (when before they rotated based on weather conditions). It seems like the homeowners in this situation should get some compensation (reduced price airline tickets once or twice a year?).
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