Saturday, November 4, 2017

The Democratic Party is a mess in so many ways

Part of why the fights about the Democratic Party haven't died down since the 2016 Dem Primary is that the Dem Party is a mess in so many ways.

Below is the outline of the topics I intend to cover. It's too much for one blog entry.

I would like to revisit the wisdom of Dan Cohen. He noted fights about tactics are often sublimated fights about goals.

Much of the fighting within the Dem Party coalition is a fight between people who believe the Clinton-Obama formula of running elections & governing can work and those who disagree.

The outline of the topics I will cover:

I. Incompetence--Dem Party mismanaged at a basic level.
II. Corruption--It's the business model, stupid!
III. Contempt for base (and regular people generally)--Democrats hate almost everyone.
IV. Credibility--Dem Party has a two-tier credibility problem.
V. Liberalism--It's an entitled ideology of middlemen.
VI.Progressivism--The minor leagues of liberalism.
VII. Socialism--All power to the political class.
VIII. Lack of vision--Without a vision, it's hard to tell a story about where society is going.
IX. Media--Society needs a reality based public discourse.
X. Rightshift of Politics Worldwide--Politics is moving to the Right everywhere. This means Democrats are opposed by larger forces that will be difficult to beat.

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