Below the fold is a draft process for picking a school board for Chicago Public Schools. The map is to divide Chicago into manageable pieces as part of the process.
Below the fold...
Step: Agree there should be a process
Step: Outline the process. This blog entry is a first draft of the process.
Step: Pick board members to implement the process. These people will take responsibility to seeing the process through.
Step: Put process in writing
Step: Notify Mayor Lightfoot & City Council of the process
Step: Solicit candidates
Step: Hold at least three meetings in each district. In the map above there are ten districts of five wards.
Everyone who attends at least one meeting can vote in their district election of electors.
Step: Vote on two things:
a. which electors to send to the citywide meeting
b. minimum levels of representation for demographic groups or functional constituencies, eg CPS parents, teachers, African-Americans, etc.
Step: Rank the candidates in each district
Step: The top three candidates from each district become part of the city wide group.
Step: Rank the districts by how many people voted in each district
a. The top three district for participation send their next three most popular
b. The bottom three districts send the one next most popular candidate
c. The middle four district send the next two most popular
Step: Figure out which demographic groups and functional constituencies remain underrepresented based on the votes from above. It people wanted 65% CPS parents and less than 65% were elected, add enough CPS parents to attain the minimum.
Step: Have this citywide group meet and create one to five slates for CPS Board of Education.
Step: Hold a citywide election online (preferably using ranked voting) where the voters pick from the slates created by the citywide group and the existing CPS BOE appointed by Mayor Lightfoot.
Step (if necessary): If one of the slates is more popular than the Lightfoot appointed BOE then pressure Mayor Lightfoot the have the existing BOE resign and to have the Mayor appoint the more popular slate as the new BOE.
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